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Meet the team

Øystein Vik

Owner, Director R&D
+47 982 33 014

Master of Knowledge Management (Copenhagen Business School)

MSc, Marine Engineering (NTNU)

Over 30-years of experience in technology advisory, QMT,QA, software mgt, project mgt, information security, and process optimization.

Frode Thun

Owner, Director Raw Materials
+47 979 74970

Cand.mag, Marketing (Trondheim Business School)

Organization and Work Management (BI)

Co-Founder with over 30-years of experience with start-ups, sales, production mgt, QMT, and logistics. 10-years’ experience of managing production facilities in the Baltics.

Erlend Andre Øien

Owner, Director production
+47 982 84 216

Master of Technology Management (NTNU, NHH, MIT Sloan and Harvard Business School)

MSc, Materials technology/metallurgy (NTNU)

Over 25-years of experience in production mgt, logistics, QMT, QA, major projects, sales, and innovation.

Lars Wermskog

Owner, Director Sales
+47 922 25 599

Co-Founder with over 25-years of experience with start-ups and entrepreneurship, management, logistics, and sales

Tommy Walvåg

Owner, CEO
+47 954 32 250

BBA, Finance (University of Kentucky)

Over 20-years of experience in technology advisory and design, QMT, information security, sales, and process optimization.

Robert Vassli

Manager, logistics
+47 922 00 657

Over 20-years’ experience from the construction area. Starting and operating multiple construction and demolition companies.