Climate changes and an increasing population will continue to put pressure on availability and prices for wood as a raw material unless we are able to circle reclaimed wood back into the production of wood-based materials.
By recycling 50% of all waste wood in Europe into new wood products, rather than just burning it, 30-million-ton clean wood chips can be made available as a new raw material each year. Recycled waste wood has the benefit of being available all year round and has a lover moist content than virgin wood, thus requires less energy to become dry. By establishing efficient logistics and recycling hubs we can dramatically reduce the energy needed to recycle compared to moving timber half-way around the globe.
Adding more reclaimed wood into production of wood-based panels, wood fiber insulation, cellulose production, etc. will increase the lifespan of harvested wood, and increase carbon captured in wood. It will also make more raw materials available and stabilize access to raw materials and prices for these products. Benefitting all parties involved in production and consumption.